[trɔ asi le eŋu | trɔ asi le etsoƒe ŋu]No. | Latin ŋkɔ | Eŋlisigbe | Eʋegbe | Notes | Family |
312 | Tachybaptus ruficollis | Little Grebe | tɔmekpakpaxe | Descriptive | Podicipedidae |
313 | Pelecanus onocrotalus | Great White Pelican | atramegbo | Descriptive | Pelecanidae |
314 | Botaurus stellaris | Great Bittern | tegli / hoho | Designation | Ardeidae |
315 | Ixobrychus minutus | Little Bittern | tegli / hoho | Designation | Ardeidae |
316 | Ixobrychus sturmii | Dwarf Bittern | tegli / hoho | Designation | Ardeidae |
317 | Tigriornis leucolopha | White-Crested Tiger Heron | tegli / hoho | Designation | Ardeidae |
318 | Gorsachius leuconotus | White-Backed Night Heron | tegli / hoho | Designation | Ardeidae |
319 | Nycticorax nycticorax | Black-Crowned Night Heron | tegli / hoho | Designation | Ardeidae |
320 | Ardeola ralloides | Squacco Heron | akpo | Designation | Ardeidae |
321 | Bubulcus ibis | Cattle Egret | amudzixe / aŋɔyi | Descriptive | Ardeidae |
322 | Butorides striata | Green-Backed Heron | aŋɔyi / amudzixe | Descriptive | Ardeidae |
323 | Egretta ardesiaca | Black Heron | aŋɔyi / amudzixe | Descriptive | Ardeidae |
324 | Egretta gularis | Western Reef Egret | aŋɔyi / amudzixe | Descriptive | Ardeidae |
325 | Egretta garzetta | Little Egret | tɔsixevi / amudzixe | Descriptive | Ardeidae |
326 | Egretta intermedia | Intermediate Egret | tɔsixevi / amudzixe | Descriptive | Ardeidae |
327 | Egretta alba | Great Egret | aŋɔyi / amudzixe | Descriptive | Ardeidae |
328 | Ardea purpurea | Purple Heron | ankra | Designation | Ardeidae |
329 | Ardea cinerea | Grey Heron | ankra | Designation | Ardeidae |
330 | Ardea goliath | Goliath Heron | akpaklo / legle | Designation | Ardeidae |
331 | Struthio camelus | Ostrich | golo / tsatsaboli | Descriptive | Struthionidae |
332 | Mycteria ibis | Yellow-Billed Stork | golo / kpaklo | Designation | Ciconiidae |
333 | Ciconia episcopus | Woolly-Necked Stork | golo / kpaklo | Designation | Ciconiidae |
334 | Ciconia ciconia | White Stork | golo / kpaklo | Designation | Ciconiidae |
335 | Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis | Saddle-Billed Stork | golo / kpaklo | Designation | Ciconiidae |
336 | Leptoptilos crumeniferus | Marabou Stork | golo / kpaklo | Designation | Ciconiidae |
337 | Cairina moschata | Duck | kpakpaxe | Descriptive | Anatidae |
338 | Dendrocygna bicolor | Fulvous Whistling Duck | mavividetsi | Culture | Anatidae |
339 | Dendrocygna viduata | White-Faced Whistling Duck | mavividetsi | Culture | Anatidae |
340 | Alopochen aegyptiaca | Egyptian Goose | mavividetsi | Culture | Anatidae |
341 | Tadorna tadorna | Common Shelduck | kpaakpaa / tɔmekoklo | Designation/Descriptive | Anatidae |
342 | Plectropterus gambensis | Spur-Winged Goose | gbekpakpaxe | Descriptive | Anatidae |
343 | Pteronetta hartlaubii | Hartlaub's Duck | gbekpakpaxe | Descriptive | Anatidae |
344 | Sarkidiornis melanotos | Knob-billed Duck | gbekpakpaxe | Descriptive | Anatidae |
345 | Nettapus auritus | African Pygmy Goose | mavividetsi | Descriptive | Anatidae |
346 | Anas crecca | Common Teal | mavividetsi | Descriptive | Anatidae |
347 | Anas capensis | Cape Teal | tɔmekpakpaxe | Descriptive | Anatidae |
348 | Aythya ferina | Common Pochard | yovitsi | Designation | Anatidae |
349 | Aviceda cuculoides | African Cuckoo Hawk | kpoku / ayisu | Designation | Accipitridae |
350 | Elanus caeruleus | Black-Shouldered Kite | kpoku / ayisu | Designation | Accipitridae |
351 | Milvus migrans | Black Kite | aʋako | Designation | Accipitridae |
352 | Haliaeetus vocifer | African Fish Eagle | yitsui | Designation | Accipitridae |
353 | Gypohierax angolensis | Palm-Nut Vulture | akanga / glu / pete | Designation | Accipitridae |
354 | Neophron percnopterus | Egyptian Vulture | akanga / glu | Designation | Accipitridae |
355 | Necrosyrtereds monachus | Hooded Vulture | akanga / glu / gbetakpɔxe | Designation/Descriptive | Accipitridae |
356 | Circaetus gallicus | Short-Toed Snake Eagle | akpo / aʋako | Designation | Accipitridae |
357 | Circaetus cinerascens | Western Banded Snake Eagle | akpo / aʋako | Designation | Accipitridae |
358 | Polyboroides typus | African Harrier Hawk | akpo / aʋako | Designation | Accipitridae |
359 | Circus macrourus | Pallid Harrier | akpo / aʋako | Designation | Accipitridae |
360 | Circus aeruginosus | Eurasian Marsh Harrier | akpo / aʋako | Designation | Accipitridae |
361 | Accipiter tachiro | African Goshawk | antsui / ntsui / adrufe | Designation | Accipitridae |
362 | Accipiter badius | Shikra | toto | Designation | Accipitridae |
363 | Accipiter erythropus | Red-Thighed Sparrowhawk | toto | Designation | Accipitridae |
364 | Urotriorchis macrourus | Long-Tailed Hawk | toto | Designation | Accipitridae |
365 | Aquila rapax | Tawny Eagle | aho | Designation | Accipitridae |
366 | Aquila wahlbergi | Wahlberg's Eagle | aho | Designation | Accipitridae |
367 | Hieraaetus spilogaster | African Hawk Eagle | aho | Designation | Accipitridae |
368 | Hieraaetus pennatus | Booted Eagle | aho | Designation | Accipitridae |
369 | Hieraaetus ayresii | Ayres's Hawk Eagle | aho | Designation | Accipitridae |
370 | Lophaetus occipitalis | Long-Crested Eagle | aho | Designation | Accipitridae |
371 | Spizaetus africanus | Cassin's Hawk Eagle | aho | Designation | Accipitridae |
372 | Stephanoaetus coronatus | Crowned Eagle | aho | Designation | Accipitridae |
373 | Polemaetus bellicosus | Martial Eagle | aho | Designation | Accipitridae |
374 | Falco alopex | Fox Kestrel | yitsui | Designation | Falconidae |
375 | Falco ardosiaceus | Grey Kestrel | yitsui | Designation | Falconidae |
376 | Falco chicquera | Red-Necked Falcon | yitsui | Designation | Falconidae |
377 | Falco vespertinus | Red-Footed Falcon | yitsui | Designation | Falconidae |
378 | Falco cuvierii | African Hobby | kpoku | Designation | Falconidae |
379 | Falco biarmicus | Lanner Falcon | kpoku | Designation | Falconidae |
380 | Falco peregrines | Peregrine Falcon | kpoku | Designation | Falconidae |
381 | Coturnix delegorguei | Harlequin Quail | tegbeti | Descriptive | Phasianidae |
382 | Ptilopachus petrosus | Stone Partridge | tegbeti | Descriptive | Phasianidae |
383 | Francolinus lathami | Latham's Forest Francolin | avetegli | Descriptive | Phasianidae |
384 | Francolinus ahantensis | Ahanta Francolin | avetegli / dedi | Descriptive/Designation | Phasianidae |
385 | Francolinus bicalcaratus | Double-Spurred Francolin | avetegli / dedi | Descriptive/Designation | Phasianidae |
386 | Agelastes meleagrides | White-Breasted Guineafowl | gbetsaxe | Descriptive/Designation | Numididae |
387 | Guttera pucherani | Crested Guineafowl | gbetsaxe | Descriptive | Numididae |
388 | Numida meleagris | Helmeted Guineafowl | gbetsaxe | Descriptive | Numididae |
389 | Himantornis haematopus | Nkulengu Rail | agbetim | Descriptive | Rallidae |
390 | Canirallus oculeus | Grey-Throated Rail | tɔkɔkokuli | Descriptive | Rallidae |
391 | Crex egregia | African Crake | tɔmekoklo | Descriptive | Rallidae |
392 | Amaurornis flavirostra | Black Crake | gbekoklo | Descriptive | Rallidae |
393 | Porphyrio porphyrio | Purple Swamphen | avese / gbatami | Designation | Rallidae |
394 | Gallinula angulate | Lesser Moorhen | avemexe | Descriptive | Rallidae |
395 | Sarothrura pulchra | White-Spotted Flufftail | tɔkɔkokuli | Descriptive | Sarothruridae |
396 | Sarothrura elegans | Buff-Spotted Flufftail | tɔkɔkokuli / tɔmekoklo | Descriptive | Sarothruridae |
397 | Balearica pavonina | Black Crowned Crane | gbetsahe / gbetsyaxe | Descriptive | Gruidae |
398 | Podica senegalensis | African Finfoot | doridori | Designation | Heliornithidae |
399 | Eupodotis melanogaster | Black-Bellied Bustard | akla | Designation | Otididae |
400 | Actophilornis africanus | African Jacana | agudzixe | Descriptive | Jacanidae |
401 | Burhinus senegalensis | Senegal Thick-Knee | gbotale / gbaxle | Designation | Burhinidae |
402 | Cursorius temminckii | Temminck's Courser | aka | Designation | Glareolidae |
403 | Calidris ferruginea | Curlew Sandpiper | tokontsui / holi | Designation | Scolopacidae |
404 | Gallinago gallinago | Common Snipe | vanga | Designation | Scolopacidae |
405 | Gallinago media | Great Snipe | agudzixe | Descriptive | Scolopacidae |
406 | Limnodromus griseus | Short-Billed Dowitcher | vanga | Designation | Scolopacidae |
407 | Numenius arquata | Eurasian Curlew | holi / vanga | Designation | Scolopacidae |
408 | Tringa erythropus | Spotted Redshank | gbanyi | Designation | Scolopacidae |
409 | Tringa tetanus | Common Redshank | tagbaxevi | Descriptive | Scolopacidae |
410 | Actitis hypoleucos | Common Sandpiper | kodogoli | Descriptive | Scolopacidae |
411 | Phalaropus fulicarius | Red Phalarope | tsotso | Descriptive | Scolopacidae |
412 | Gelochelidon nilotica | Gull-Billed Tern | gbagblaxetsu | Descriptive | Sternidae |
413 | Sterna caspia | Caspian Tern | gbagblaxetsu | Descriptive | Sternidae |
414 | Sterna maxima | Royal Tern | gbagblaxetsu | Descriptive | Sternidae |
415 | Sterna bengalensis | Lesser Crested Tern | gbagblaxetsu | Descriptive | Sternidae |
416 | Sterna sandvicensis | Sandwich Tern | gbagblaxetsu | Descriptive | Sternidae |
417 | Sterna dougallii | Roseate Tern | gbagblaxetsu | Descriptive | Sternidae |
418 | Sterna hirundo | Common Tern | gbagblaxetsu | Descriptive | Sternidae |
419 | Sterna paradisaea | Arctic Tern | gbagblaxetsu | Descriptive | Sternidae |
420 | Sterna anaethetus | Bridled Tern | tsale | Designation | Sternidae |
421 | Sterna fuscata | Sooty Tern | tsale | Designation | Sternidae |
422 | Sterna balaenarum | Damara Tern | tsale | Designation | Sternidae |
423 | Sterna albifrons | Little Tern | tsale | Designation | Sternidae |
424 | Chlidonias hybrid | Whiskered Tern | tsale | Designation | Sternidae |
425 | Chlidonias niger | Black Tern | tsale | Designation | Sternidae |
426 | Chlidonias leucopterus | White-Winged Tern | tsale | Designation | Sternidae |
427 | Treron calvus | African Green Pigeon | toto | Designation | Columbidae |
428 | Treron waalia | Bmce's Green Pigeon | toto | Designation | Columbidae |
429 | Turtur tympanistria | Tambourine Dove | volui | Designation | Columbidae |
430 | Turtur afer | Blue-Spotted Wood Dove | volui | Designation | Columbidae |
431 | Turtur abyssinicus | Black-Billed Wood Dove | volui | Designation | Columbidae |
432 | Oena capensis | Namaqua Dove | volui | Designation | Columbidae |
433 | Columba iriditorques | Western Bronze-Naped Pigeon | volui | Designation | Columbidae |
434 | Streptopelia semitorquata | Red-Eyed Dove | kpakpa | Designation | Columbidae |
435 | Streptopelia decipiens | African Mourning Dove | kpakpa | Designation | Columbidae |
436 | Streptopelia vinacea | Vinaceous Dove | kpakpa | Designation | Columbidae |
437 | Streptopelia roseogrisea | African Collared Dove | kpakpa | Designation | Columbidae |
438 | Streptopelia turtur | European Turtle Dove | kpakpa | Designation | Columbidae |
439 | Streptopelia senegalensis | Laughing Dove | kpakpa | Designation | Columbidae |
440 | Psittacus erithacus | Grey Parrot | akoo | Designation | Psittacidae |
441 | Poicephalus robustus | Brown-Necked Parrot | akoo | Designation | Psittacidae |
442 | Poicephalus gulielmi | Red-Fronted Parrot | akoo | Designation | Psittacidae |
443 | Poicephalus senegalus | Senegal Parrot | akoo | Designation | Psittacidae |
444 | Agapornis pullarius | Red-Headed Lovebird | akoo | Designation | Psittacidae |
445 | Agapornis swindernianus | Black-Collared Lovebird | akoo | Designation | Psittacidae |
446 | Psittacula krameri | Rose-Ringed Parakeet | akoo | Designation | Psittacidae |
447 | Corythaeola cristata | Great Blue Turaco | atsrima | Designation | Musophagidae |
448 | Tauraco persa | Green Turaco | avese | Designation | Musophagidae |
449 | Tauraco macrorhynchus | Yellow-Billed Turaco | avese | Designation | Musophagidae |
450 | Crinifer piscator | Western Grey Plantain-Eater | agodigo / dzogbetsri ma | Descriptive | Musophagidae |
451 | Oxylophus levaillantii | Levaillant's Cuckoo | tɔlem | Descriptive | Cuculidae |
452 | Cuculus solitaries | Red-Chested Cuckoo | tɔlem | Descriptive | Cuculidae |
453 | Chrysococcyx cupreus | African Emerald Cuckoo | tsɔyiatsuƒe | Culture | Cuculidae |
454 | Chrysococcyx klaas | Klaas's Cuckoo | twentwere / ayiɖɔe | Designation/Descriptive | Cuculidae |
455 | Chrysococcyx caprius | Didric Cuckoo | agblendindi | Descriptive | Cuculidae |
456 | Centropus senegalensis | Senegal Coucal | dzrikuku / dzinetutu / wlukuku / adzeyitutu / dzetutu | Descriptive | Cuculidae |
457 | Centropus monachus | Blue-Headed Coucal | dzrikuku / dzinetutu / wlukuku / adzeyitutu / dzetutu | Descriptive | Cuculidae |
458 | Tyto alba | Bam Owl | adzexe | Culture | Tytonidae |
459 | Otus icterorhynchus | Sandy Scops Owl | adzexe | Culture | Strigidae |
460 | Otus senegalensis | African Scops Owl | adzexe | Culture | Strigidae |
461 | Bubo poensis | Fraser's Eagle Owl | adzexe | Culture | Strigidae |
462 | Bubo shelleyi | Shelley's Eagle Owl | adzexe | Culture | Strigidae |
463 | Bubo lacteus | Verreaux's Eagle Owl | adzexe | Culture | Strigidae |
464 | Bubo leucostictus | Akun Eagle Owl | adzexe | Culture | Strigidae |
465 | Scotopelia peli | Pel's Fishing Owl | favievuto | Designation | Strigidae |
466 | Glaucidium tephronotum | Red-Chested Owlet | adzexe | Culture | Strigidae |
467 | Strix woodfordii | African Wood Owl | hɔdemeku / xedoameku | Culture | Strigidae |
468 | Veles/Caprimulgus binotatus | Brown Nightjar | aʋaluƒui / ahɔliƒe | Descriptive | Caprimulgidae |
469 | Caprimulgus natalensis | Swamp Nightjar | aʋaluƒui / ahɔliƒe | Descriptive | Caprimulgidae |
470 | Caprimulgus climacurus | Long-Tailed Nightjar | aʋaluƒui / ahɔliƒe | Descriptive | Caprimulgidae |
471 | Caprimulgus nigriscapularis | Black-Shouldered Nightjar | aʋaluƒui / ahɔliƒe | Descriptive | Caprimulgidae |
472 | Caprimulgus inornatus | Plain Nightjar | aʋaluƒui / ahɔliƒe | Descriptive | Caprimulgidae |
473 | Caprimulgus tristigma | Freckled Nightjar | aʋaluƒui / ahɔliƒe | Descriptive | Caprimulgidae |
474 | Caprimulgus ruficollis | Red-Necked Nightjar | aʋaluƒui / ahɔliƒe | Descriptive | Caprimulgidae |
475 | Caprimulgus europaeus | European Nightjar | aʋaluƒui / ahɔliƒe | Descriptive | Caprimulgidae |
476 | Macrodipteryx longipennis | Standard-Winged Nightjar | aʋaluƒui / ahɔliƒe | Descriptive | Caprimulgidae |
477 | Rhaphidura sabini | Sabine's Spinetail | sagbadre | Descriptive | Apodidae |
478 | Telacanthura melanopygia | Black Spinetail | sagbadre | Descriptive | Apodidae |
479 | Telacanthura ussheri | Mottled Spinetail | sagbadre | Descriptive | Apodidae |
480 | Neafrapus cassini | Cassin's Spinetail | sagbadre | Descriptive | Apodidae |
481 | Cypsiurus parvus | African Palm Swift | sagbadre | Descriptive | Apodidae |
482 | Apus pallidus | Pallid Swift | sagbadre | Descriptive | Apodidae |
483 | Apus apus | Common Swift | sagbadre | Descriptive | Apodidae |
484 | Apus caffer | White-Rumped Swift | sagbadre | Descriptive | Apodidae |
485 | Apus affinis | Little Swift | sagbadre | Descriptive | Apodidae |
486 | Tachymarptis aequatorialis | Mottled Swift | sagbadre | Descriptive | Apodidae |
487 | Tachymarptis melba | Alpine Swift | sagbadre | Descriptive | Apodidae |
488 | Halcyon malimbica | Blue-Breasted Kingfisher | agbotimexevi | Descriptive | Alcedinidae |
489 | Halcyon senegalensis | Woodland Kingfisher | agbotimexevi | Descriptive | Alcedinidae |
490 | Ceyx lecontei | African Dwarf Kingfisher | agbotimexevi | Descriptive | Alcedinidae |
491 | Alcedo leucogaster | White-Bcllied Kingfisher | agbotimexevi / milɔ | Descriptive | Alcedinidae |
492 | Alcedo quadribrachys | Shining-Blue Kingfisher | agbotimexevi | Descriptive | Alcedinidae |
493 | Megaceryle maxima | Giant Kingfisher | agbotimexevi | Descriptive | Alcedinidae |
494 | Ceryle rudis | Pied Kingfisher | agbotimexevi | Descriptive | Alcedinidae |
495 | Phoeniculus purpureus | Green Wood-Hoopoe | aditsi / deduxe | Descriptive | Phoeniculidae |
496 | Tropicranus albocristatus | White-Crested Hornbill | fieyomexe | Descriptive | Bucerotidae |
497 | Tockus hartlaubi | Black Dwarf Hornbill | akyankpoli | Designation | Bucerotidae |
498 | Tockus camurus | Red-Billed Dwarf Hornbill | akyankpoli | Designation | Bucerotidae |
499 | Tockus erythrorhynchus | Red-Billed Hornbill | akyankpoli | Designation | Bucerotidae |
500 | Tockus fasciatus | African Pied Hornbill | akyankpoli | Designation | Bucerotidae |
501 | Tockus nasutus | African Grey Hornbill | akyankpoli | Designation | Bucerotidae |
502 | Bycanistes fistulator | Piping Hornbill | akyankpoli | Designation | Bucerotidae |
503 | Bycanistes subcylindricus | Black-and-White-Casqued Hornbill | ŋatiŋati / ŋɔtiŋɔti | Descriptive | Bucerotidae |
504 | Bycanistes cylindricus | Brown-Cheeked Hornbill | ŋatiŋati / ŋɔtiŋɔti | Descriptive | Bucerotidae |
505 | Ceratogymna atrata | Black-Casqued Hornbill | ŋatiŋati / ŋɔtiŋɔti | Descriptive | Bucerotidae |
506 | Ceratogymna elata | Yellow-Casqued Hornbill | ŋatiŋati / ŋɔtiŋɔti | Descriptive | Bucerotidae |
507 | Gymnobucco peli | Bristle-Nosed Barbet | kpei | Designation | Lybiidae |
508 | Gymnobucco calvus | Naked-Faced Barbet | kpei | Designation | Lybiidae |
509 | Pogoniulus scolopaceus | Speckled Tinkerbird | kotokro | Designation | Lybiidae |
510 | Pogoniulus subsulphureus | Yellow-Throated Tinkerbird | gbede | Descriptive | Lybiidae |
511 | Pogoniulus bilineatus | Yellow-Rumped Tinkerbird | gbede | Descriptive | Lybiidae |
512 | Lybius bidentatus | Double-Toothed Barbet | egutadze | Designation | Lybiidae |
513 | Lybius dubius | Bearded Barbet | egutadze | Designation | Lybiidae |
514 | Trachylaemus purpuratus | Yellow-Billed Barbet | egutadze | Designation | Lybiidae |
515 | Vidua macroura | Pin-Tailed Whydah | blemakɔtɔtsi | Descriptive | Viduidae |
516 | Bubulcus ibis | Cattle Egret | totaxe / totamexe / nyiyomexe | Descriptive | Ardeidae/Egretta |
517 | Camaroptera brevicaudata | Grey-Backed Camaroptera | bleamedegbe / kplɔamedegbe | Descriptive | Cisticolidae |
518 | Ploceus vitellinus | Vitelline Masked-Weaver | asɔsɔ | Descriptive | Ploceidae |
519 | Upupa africana | African Hoopoe | ŋɔlixevi | Culture | Upupidae |
520 | Pycnonotus bulbul | Black-Eyed Bulbul | klɔbɔe / akrɔbɔe | Designation | Pycnonotidae |
521 | Anthrepte rectirostris | Green-Chinned Sunbird | etsui / tsintsin | Designation | Nectariniidae |
522 | Campethera abingoni | Golden-Tailed Woodpecker | tɔatitɔati / lɔatilɔati | Descriptive | Picidae |
523 | Phylloscopus sibilatrix | Wood Warbler | avemekɔlɔ | Descriptive | Phylloscopidae |
524 | Acrocephalus baeticatus | African Reed Warbler | degbɔgbɔe | Descriptive | Acrocephalidae |
Nyasiawo ƒe tsoƒe
[trɔ asi le eŋu | trɔ asi le etsoƒe ŋu]- ↑ Aziaku, Vincent Erskine. 2016. A Linguistic Analysis of Ewe Animal Names among the Ewe of Ghana. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. ISBN 978-3-89645-474-4.