Template talk:Protected title

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Tso Wikipedia

Wozã template sia le Wikipedia:Protected titles kple eƒe axa bubuwo. Esia na bena ameaɖeke magbugbɔ adze axa sia gɔme o through the use of cascading protection. If the page exists, a "delete page" link is provided next to the article name. If an item is listed prior to deletion, it must be deleted and the page with cascading protection enabled must have its cache purged before the protection will take effect.

Eŋudɔwɔwɔ[trɔ asi le etsoƒe ŋu]

Parameters used by this template:

  • pg (gbãtɔ) — Axa siŋu wotɔ kpɔ ɖo ƒe ŋkɔ. Megatsɔ namespace la kpe ɖe eŋu o; zã ns na eya wɔwɔ.
  • reason (evelia) — Nusi ta wotɔ kpɔ ɖe eŋu (optional).
  • ns — Namespace of page. Must be given if the page is not in article space.
  • talk — Ƒomedodo kple axa sia ƒe nyadaƒe. Ne wòmeda talk=no ɖe eme o la, woatsɔ ƒomedodoa kpe ɖe ŋu.
  • commons — Ne wole mɔxem na axa si le "Commons" xoxo ƒe gɔmedzedze le afisia la, ehiã be woada commons=yes ɖe afii hafi nutataa ƒe ƒomedodo adze le afisia.


{{protected title|Ƒomedodo dzẽ}}
Ƒomedodo dzẽ · activity log · talk page
Esia xea mɔ na ƒomedodo dzẽ gɔmedzedze.

{{protected title|Like this one|talk=no}}
Like this one · activity log
Esia xea mɔ na Like this one gɔmedzedze. Ƒomedodoa kple eƒe nyadaƒe mele dzedzege le afisia o.

{{protected title|Starting a new page/wiki/Talk:Main Page/|Spambot target|ns=Help talk}}
Help talk:Starting a new page/wiki/Talk:Main Page/ · activity log — Spambot target
Esia xea mɔ na Help talk:Starting a new page/wiki/Talk:Main Page/ gɔmedzedze. Esia nye nyadaƒea, eyata nyadaƒe ƒomedodoa ɖeke mele afisia nɔ ge o.